About the Author

I'm David, a freelance web designer and student of the things that be.
I created this blog for the purpose of documenting my HASEL project, as well as to keep my writing skills sharp.

Did you know that a computer as powerful as the human brain would be able to do 38 thousand trillion operations per second and hold more than 3580 terabytes of memory?

I come from a country where technology is at least a decade behind. In fact, I had never seen a flat panel TV before moving to London in 2015; just one year before marvels of technological advancements such as 3D printers started to become commercialised!

Industry, rapid advancements, and a ceaseless strive for techno-utopianism were all newly present themes eagerly endorsed by an eleven-year-old boy who had just discovered the internet. Perhaps it was that abrupt discovery of something so incredibly astounding, and yet largely unexplored that still drives my passion for I.T. today.